44 Pañal Dodot 2 A 5 kg Größe 1 empfindlich
44 Pañal Dodot 2 A 5 kg Größe 1 empfindlich
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44 Pañal Dodot 2 A 5 kg Größe 1 empfindlich
Dieses Produkt wird nur als Ergänzung zu einer Miete verkauft. Dodot-Windeln eignen sich für Babys ab dem Neugeborenenalter. Sie sind dünner als üblich, um dem Baby keine Beschwerden zu bereiten und bieten außerdem einen weichen und bequemen Sitz im Nabelbereich.
Der Feuchtigkeitsindikator ändert seine Farbe, wenn Ihr Baby gepinkelt hat. Seine saugfähige Schicht garantiert eine maximale Aufnahme von Urin und flüssigem Kot. Die Luftkanäle ermöglichen das Trocknen der Haut des Babys.
Die Windel enthält außerdem eine Lotion, die die Haut jederzeit beruhigt und beruhigt. Hilft, den pH-Wert der Haut wiederherzustellen.
Machen Sie Ihr Baby mit den Dodot Größe 1 Sensitive Windeln bequem und geschützt! Perfekt für Babys von 2 bis 5 kg, sind diese Windeln ideal für Neugeborene. Ihr dünnes und weiches Design passt sich perfekt an den Körper des Babys an und bietet ein Gefühl von Komfort und Sicherheit.
Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen über Unfälle! Der Nässeindikator zeigt Ihnen an, wann es Zeit ist, die Windel zu wechseln. Und dank der saugfähigen Schicht und den Luftkanälen bleibt die Haut Ihres Babys jederzeit trocken und geschützt.
Darüber hinaus beruhigt und schützt die in die Windel integrierte Lotion die empfindliche Haut Ihres Babys und hält sie weich und gesund. Machen Sie jeden Windelwechsel zu einem angenehmen Erlebnis für Ihr Baby mit den Sensitive-Windeln der Größe 1 von Dodot!

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4.7/ 5
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I love it! 😍
I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly. I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did!... I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly.
I love it! 😍
I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly. I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did!... I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly.
I love it! 😍
I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly. I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did!... I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly.
I love it! 😍
I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly. I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did!... I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly.
I love it! 😍
I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly. I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did!... I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly.
I love it! 😍
I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly. I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did!... I was initially hesitant to switch from my usual brand to this new one, but I'm so glad I did! This product has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also incredibly efficient. The quality is top-notch, and it's user-friendly.