Wooden Starry Skies Mobile On The Newborn Bed
Wooden Starry Skies Mobile On The Newborn Bed
Wooden Starry Skies Mobile On The Newborn Bed
This wooden crib mobile is the perfect addition to your newborn's room. With a diameter of 24 cm and a height of 52 cm, this mobile is ideal for hanging over the crib and creating a relaxing and cozy environment for your baby.
Made with high quality materials, this mobile is designed with healthy and non-toxic products to ensure the safety of your little one. The combination of felt and wood gives it a soft and natural touch, perfect for stimulating your baby's senses.
Please note that the mobile phone is sold without a stand or music box, but you can purchase them optionally. In addition, we offer free delivery so you can receive your mobile comfortably at home.