Why rent baby equipment
At a minimum, you need a car seat, a crib, a high chair and a stroller. It is difficult, expensive and requires a lot of effort to carry these items. That's why it makes sense to rent them from a company that specializes in baby rentals on vacation. After all, it's your vacation, you should enjoy it. Finally, you will find that delivering high-quality equipment directly to your vacation destination is much more cost-effective than other means of renting baby gear.
Travelling to the Canary Islands with babies or toddlers can be a pleasant experience that the whole family can enjoy, but without these normal, and sometimes unique, elements for your holiday, your little ones can become, how shall we say, "difficult" to handle. At Baby Travel Rental we have travelled many times with our own children around the world, we have gone to dinner on the esplanade, we have walked with our children and we understand the need for runners who can go along the beach, over the rocks to the red mountain.
We also understand that it is not possible to take joggers to Tenerife, only small strollers on the ferries, just as on the Sky Rail, it is possible that you cannot get into the stroller... We understand the difference between going on holiday with a "happy" baby and an inconvertible baby, who has trouble sleeping, has no stroller , toys , bath vest or cot and of course is "grumpy". So your holiday is not so pleasant.
Our unique baby equipment rental service ensures that when you arrive, everything is packed and ready for babies - swings, playpens, baths - everything is delivered before you arrive. Car seats can be installed in your rental car before your flight arrives, all other items in your room. At check-out, simply leave them at reception, the seats with the rental company, and we will collect them after your departure (from 10am).
Remember that you are going to a temperate environment, in the mountains, in the forest or on the beach. There are many excursions and activities to do with babies and toddlers, but having the right items makes the day easier instead of more difficult and exhausting.